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Counterfeits & Scams Alert

Beware of Counterfeit Products and Scams Sold Elsewhere

Dear Valued Customers,

We hope this message finds you well. We appreciate your continued support of our brand and would like to bring a matter of utmost importance to your attention.

It has come to our notice that unauthorized sellers are attempting to replicate our brand assets, including product photos and names, to sell counterfeit watches that imitate our original designs. Please be aware that these replicas do not meet our stringent quality standards, and their purchase may lead to dissatisfaction with your overall experience.

Scam Alert: In addition to counterfeit products, there is an alarming increase in scams where unsuspecting customers purchase items outside of our official channels and end up losing their money without receiving any products. We want to emphasize the severity of this issue to protect you from potential financial loss and disappointment.

To ensure that you receive an authentic product, we strongly advise against purchasing from any source other than our official website. Our website is the only authorized platform where you can confidently acquire genuine HMN watches. We take great pride in delivering exceptional craftsmanship and quality, and we cannot guarantee the same level of excellence from unauthorized sellers.

Known Scams List:
To assist you in avoiding potential scams, here is a list of known illegitimate websites:


Please exercise caution and be vigilant when making purchases online. To avoid falling victim to counterfeit products, we recommend the following:

  • Only purchase from our official website:
  • Verify the authenticity of the website before making any purchase.
  • Be wary of unusually low prices, as they may indicate counterfeit products or potential scams.
  • Report any suspicious websites or sellers claiming to offer our products to our customer support team at

    Disclaimer: We want to make it clear that we do not take any responsibility for purchases made outside of our official website. If you choose to buy from unauthorized sources, you do so at your own risk. There is a significant risk of losing your money without receiving any products due to scams. We cannot guarantee the authenticity or quality of the product from these sources. Please exercise caution and diligence when making your purchases.

    We are actively taking measures to address this issue and appreciate your assistance in ensuring the integrity of our brand. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at

    Thank you for your continued loyalty and trust in HMNWatch.


    HMNWatch Team